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Collective development project proposals by BLC for Year 2024.
Date; 11 Jan 2024, by David Sangdong.

Project-#01-Khamti Shan

Background; We were able to raise funds in 2023 to purchase the land, and completing the minister’s house and common meeting area. The local Khamti Shan team raised enough funds to construct the Church building. The building is near completion. The local team run out of funds but needing to finish the construction. We raised 2000USD, which was used for the floor slabbing. The remaining needs are to pay for construction fees, installation of doors and windows’ glasses, and also to do Electrical wiring and painting the church building.

The total need to complete the Khamti Shan Church construction is 7667$. The urgent need is the item #01, construction fees, 3333USD, which needs to be pay as soon as possible to the builders. For the items #02 and #03, we will do as we are able to raise more funds.

No. Khamti Shan Church construction Kyats USD
#01 Construction fees (100 lakhs) [including window glass installing] 10000000 3333
#02 Electrical wiring 5000000 1667
#03 Painting the building 8000000 2667
  Total 23000000 7667


Project #02-Trauma healing for Catholics and Hakha Chin

Background; Trauma healing ministry is growing rapidly to different language groups in all parts of Myanmar. We are already overwhelmed by numbers of requests we are receiving. This year (OCT 2023-OCT 2024), Trauma healing ministry is supported by two foundations from US and S## international. The program is well received in Myanmar.  The table below show our TH work plan for 2023-2024, total workshops planned 196, so far completed 142. We will complete remaining workshops (54) by the March or April 2024, during the summer school holidays.

Type CT and Art- foundations combined Target Completed Remaining
Adult Advanced equipping workshops 4 2 2
TH equipping workshops 20 15 5
Healing sessions/workshops 78 91 -13
Teens Facilitators equipping workshops 7 1 6
Healing sessions/workshops 30 7 23
Children Facilitators equipping workshops 7 6 1
Healing sessions/workshops 50 20 30
 Total workshops 196 142 54


In recent time, we saw keen interest from Catholic Churches and Hakha Christian leaders.  The country head of the Catholic Sisters requested us to train more than 200 Catholic Nuns/Sisters, including many regional key leaders.

And we also received a special request to train Hakha Chin leaders and translate the material to Hakha language. There are two Hakha Church leaders (Andrew Hrang Dun and Julie Ngulkie), who attended the initial equipping Training with Pat long time ago (2008 or 2009??). During the workshop they translated the material (2009 version) into Hakha language. Recently they both (on different time) contacted David Sangdong and requested help to further equip them and implement the program for Hakha Churches. They both, with some more Hakha leaders will attend Initial equipping training with David Sangdong in JAN 2024. From there we would like work on translating 2021 Classic trauma healing textbook into Hakha and continue training more Hakha leaders both in Myanmar and in India.

The table below shows an additional Trauma healing ministry needs for Catholics and Hakha Chin Churches starting from FEB 2024.

No. Trauma healing needs for Hakha Chin and Catholic Kyats USD
#01 Translation of Classic 2021 version into Burmese and Hakha Language 6000000 2000
#02 10 Trauma Healing workshops for Catholic churches 1500000×10 15000000 5000
#03 10 Trauma healing workshops expenses for Hakha Churches 15000000 5000
#04 Translating Children Trauma healing material for Catholic churches 3000000 1000
#05 Printing 1000 copies of the classic version in Hakha language 3500000 1167
  Total 42500000 14167

Project #03A and #03B, Bible Audio players

Background; #03A- In 2023 we distributed 300 Rawang Bible audio players. The need is so great and the demand is increasing each year! We are getting more requests from Church leaders and elderly who can no longer read, visit or attend Church worship services. Very often some individuals would visit BLC and request for players for their personal or family use. Therefore we would like to obtain (400) players for Duru, Rawang and Burmese communities. We can easily installed audio files in Duru, Rawang and Burmese languages and distribute them as needed.

#03B- During one of the Trauma healing workshops, Nepalese (NP) Church leaders attended the training and requested if we could help raise funds to help distribute Nepalese Bible (both NT and OT) to Nepalese Christian in Myitkyina. It is not that easy or available to get NP locally. Therefore, we thought it would be good raise funds for all, in not most, the Nepalese Christian Churches in Myanmar. One of the Nepalese pastors, who know NP churches in different parts of Myanmar, came up the following needs, as shown in the Table in the right.



Therefore, we would like to raise a total of 10600USD to purchase 400 Bible audio players and 500 copies of NP bibles.

NO. Bible distribution needs Kyats  USD


Rawang Bible audio players (400) [to distribute in Rawang, Duru, and Burmese languages), price for per player is estimated as 14$. 5600
#02 Nepalese Bible for Myanmar-Nepalese Christians (500 copies of both NT and OT), price for per Bible is estimated as 10$. 5000
Total 10600


Project #04- Tasutu Church construction

A church building construction for Tasutu village. Tasutu village, under Nongmong regional Church of Christ, requested help for a new construction of a Church building. This is a new project requested by Mr. KP Yohan, who coordinated with us for the construction of a minister’s house at Talatuq village in the past. Total amount requested from the Church leadership was 8381000 Kyats, with various fees and transportation expenses for Mr. Yohan, we would like to raise 9000000 Kyats in total, 3000 in USD.




Project #5A-BLC’s workshop room upgrading and Project #5B-BLC staff housing additional improvement

Background; #5A– As you all know, God has blessed us in so many ways in the past and allow us to be blessings to churches (both protestants and Catholics) and many languages communities through various ministries (Translations, Trauma healing, strengthening Christians family, Scripture base Drug prevention program etc.,) at the Breakthrough Language Center (BLC). The center and programs we offer at the center are well accepted by the local Churches in Kachin State and also in different parts of Myanmar. We would like to continue reaching out to local leaders and churches by offering our best services to the local communities. Therefore, we would like to add the following 5 items (the first 4 items for BLC workshop room, and item #05 for BLC bath rooms).

NO. BLC workshop room upgrading and adding storage water heaters Kyats USD
#01 -25 chairs 150000×20= 3000000 1000
#02 -6 workshop tables 1200000 400
#03 -Floor carpet (25×40 feet) and making shelves inside the room 9000000 3000
#04 -Musical instrument (keyboards, Cajon drum, guitar etc.) 5000000 1667
#05 -installation of 15 or 20 liters storage water heater for BLC guest bath rooms (1000000×7) 7000000 2333
  Total 25200000 8400

Background; #5B– We thank God that God provided funds the BLC staff housing (four units). Now, 3 units are occupied by B. translators, full time trainers, and chef’s family. God provided more funds to furnish all those four units and we are so thankful for such generosity. We continue to upgrade the land and planning more trees/plants and flowers.

Due to increase of crime rates and theft we need to add barbed wiring fencing on top of the brick wall, #02. Since we cannot hire a guard, it is best for us to secure it that way. Most of the staff work at the BLC during the day therefore, it would be great if we are able to make the area secure and safe for everyone.

And also we need motor bikes parking area at that location. To do that, we are thinking of constructing a small building #01, which could be used for motor bikes parking (during that day and also at night), laundry area, and also common hanging out area for the residents.

NO. BLC staff housing additional improvement Kyats USD
#01 Motor bike parking area, washing area and common sitting area construction at BLC staff housing 30000000 10000
#02 Barbed wiring installation (200×80 feet) and adding partition on top of the front (east-side) fence (200 feet long) 20000000 6667
  Total 50000000 16667

Project #6- Sunshine Children Center’s needs

Background; The center is run by David’s youngest brother, Piram and his wife Zamishar.  Due to Covid-19 pandemic and also the military coup in 2021, it became so difficult to continue the center. Therefore, many children were sent back to their relatives or their homeland. And also due to CDM movement and majority of parents stopped sending to public schools, it became a tough decision for the Center’s to continue sending children to their respective school. Therefore, we decided to close down the center during 2021-2022. However due to  many circumstances (including local govt. pressure), mostly parents or guardians of the children requesting to keep the children at the center, Piram decided to bring kids for different regions and started sending them to school. Currently there are over 20 children at the center. Due to country’s politics and high inflation there are not many local donors, and the Sunshine center also decided to stop taking financial support from the Government due to many regulations and bribery demanded by the local authorities.

Therefore, starting from this year, the center became 100% self support. We are doing all the we can to continue supporting the children at the center. But the need is so great, therefore we would be thankful for any amount of support toward the Sunshine children center. We are seeking a total of 5367$ for purchasing food supplies and some financial support for the center’s manager and chef.

No. Sunshine Children Center food supplies needs for 2024 Kyats USD
#01 50 bags of rice (120000×50=) 7500000 2500
#02 monthly expense for curry and vegetable (300000×12) 3600000 1200
#03 Manager’s family and chef support 50 lakhs 5000000 1667
  Total 16100000 5367


I am presenting several options/opportunities for us to partner together for the Lord’s service in year 2024. Though I have not talk to DAI yet, we may most likely be channeling these funds through DAI.

If you are interested to support partly or fully any particular projects, or even if all the projects, please let us know. Or if you know any church or organization that would be interested to support these kinds of needs, please share these requests on our behalf. However, due to my workload, I will try to avoid any support/help that involves writing up or submitting lengthy proposal or report. We will make sure all the funds reach to where it needs to go, and request simple accounting and request a report from the local churches or people who are responsible for.

Total numbers of projects requested in this document are as shown below. If you are making donation for particular project, please indicate project IDs, as shown in the table below.

Project IDs Projects USD
 Project #01 Khamti Shan Church 7667
 Project #02 Catholics and Hakha Chin Trauma healing needs 14167
 Project #03A 400 Bible Audio players 5600
Project #03B 500 copies of Nepalese Bible 5000
 Project #04 Tasutu Church construction needs 3000
 Project #5A BLC workshop room upgrading 8400
 Project #5B BlC staff housing additional improvement 16667
 Project #6 Sunshine Children Center needs 5367
  Total for all projects 65868

Thank you once again for your prayer and support for various BLC’s ministries. We hope by your partnership, we can make difference in many people lives. It is always joy and privilege to serve our God and savior Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
David Sangdong


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