We are nondenominational, non-profit, and Christian faith base organization. We exist to uplift churches and language communities in Myanmar [Northern Myanmar].
Our Vision:
Helping language communities to flourish in Northern Myanmar with the Kingdom’s values by making God’s words available in their heart languages.
Our Mission/purpose:
Inspired by God’s love and Christian values, BLC exists to uplift language communities in Myanmar to equip and empower community leaders (literacy workers, Bible translators and church leaders) so that every language community can flourish and experience the value of God’s kingdom in their respective communities/lives. [Col. 3:23]
Our Values:
- We value uniqueness of every language/community.
- We value all the languages/communities are God’s beautiful creation.
- We value ‘Unity in diversity’, (language) diversity as not a curse but of God’s blessings/creativity.
- We value and respect all the peoples (communities) as God’s image bearers and they are capable of doing enormous good.
- We value meaningful engagement and communication can be done best in our heart languages.
BLC’s SWOT analysis
- Personnel/staff level
- Led by well equipped locals,/ MA/PhD linguistic graduates
- No language or cultural barriers/adjustment needed
- David had taught both at two different Bible schools run by the two largest local denominations
- Organizational/social level
- already have a center/infrastructure with office spaces/rooms
- affiliated with well established international org. and also local Churches
- BLC is well already well respected by the community leaders and Churches
- Technological/program level
- Good internet/electric at the center
- Technical/computer support available from SIL
- We have BLC media team and have own studio
- We have well prepared and training programs in local languages (TH, SCF, CK etc)
- Legal/environmental level
- Many government officials in Kachin State are believers
- Some relatives of BLC’s staff are in high offices
- There are less Government restrictions of Christian activities in Kachin State [more religious tolerant in the area]
- BLC office is located at a Christian village
- Legal and organizational status
- No government registration status
- Not officially recognize by (or a member of) larger local churches
- Lack of committed/gifted staff/personnel
- We become so NGOs not having enough time for spiritual nourishment/activities
- Infrastructure/environment
- No local funding/ Lack of funds to support the national staff
- Finance ‘local banks may collapse’ (unable to do international direct funds transfer)
- (Some) language communities not interested
- High inflation rate
- Housing for the office staff
- No good schools for the kids in and around BLC
- Personal level
- Trust/delegation issues
- Ego/pride
- Government has shown positive attitude [or no strong negative attitudes] toward developing smaller languages
- Language communities in the area already have Christian Churches to work with
- communities’ leaders have strong desire to maintain their mother tongues
- Government will stop/interfere the work or Someone else
- Civil unrest in the country will stop the work
- Dominate Language group/leadership may interfere or misunderstand
- Lack of funding (flow of funds into the country)
- Language shift/death (language communities may stop speaking their mother tongues)
- Qualified staff may leave the country for better opportunities