#01 JANUARY-2025

#01 JANUARY-2025

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Dear all,

Happy Blessed New Year of 2025 to everyone. We hope you are well.

 We are extremely doing well by the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As we said goodbye to the year 2024 and entered into a new year of 2025, there are many reasons we are so thankful to the Lord for His guidance and provision over the past year. As I spent New Year’s Day (1st JAN), looking back on the year 2024. It gave me great confidence, encouragement and joy for the upcoming year of 2025. Our God is so faithful and great.

 Here are reasons why I am so thankful for the past year!

 Translation; In terms of Bible Translation, we were able to work on the books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians and also on the first few chapters of 1st Peter. We were able to Adviser-checked 1 and 2 Corinthians and the first two Chapters of 1st Peter.  We were able to consultant-checked the book of 1st Corinthians. After we do the final step- which is a community review this book should be ready for publication. Up to this point we have already completed [15] books; Matthew, Mark, Acts, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, James, 1, 2 and 3 John. We are so thankful to the Lord, in spite of many challenges, civil unrest and internet blackout etc, we are able to continue the work of Translation.

 For the year 2025, we plan to work on the book of Luke and then move onto the book of Revelation. The team also completed translation, recording, video animation, and review of 50 Bible stories this year. Just before the end of the year, the team (all four of them) went back to their homeland, Nongmong and distributed audio players and also 25 video screens to local churches. It is such joy and blessings to see the Duru community and churches are already using God’s in their daily lives.

Healing the wounds of Trauma; We continue to equip more Christian leaders and engage with many churches through Trauma healing ministry. We are now providing Adults (started in 2012), Teens (2023), and Children Trauma healing (2018) programs to many parts of Myanmar.

In 2024, we were able to launch this ministry to two new language groups- Hakha and Chin languages. We have translated Adults/classic trauma healing course material to these languages and we hope to publish them in the year 2025.

 Trauma healing planning FY 2024-2025 and Current completion Status
[Workshops record for MAY to DEC 2024]

TypeWorkshop typesGoalsCompletedRemainReached
AdultMaster Facilitators retreat11016
Advanced equipping52326
TH equipping workshops1596144
Healing sessions16555110830
TeensFacilitators equipping workshops24-251
Healing sessions1018-8238
ChildrenFacilitators equipping workshops22046
Healing sessions20128148
Total workshops2201031171499

We saw God continue to heal many individuals through Trauma Healing ministry. For the year 2024, we were able to expand the ministry to the Western and southern parts of the country. Looking at the record of the numbers of Trauma healing workshops we conducted since May to DEC, we conducted 103 (Adult, Teens and children) workshops reaching out to 1499 individuals. Running 103 workshops in 32 weeks, we were able to run 3.2 workshops per week. We praise the Lord for such an opportunity to serve Him.

 New Master Facilitators; Another important step we did was developing 16 New Master facilitators from various mission organizations and churches in Myanmar, including two Catholic Trainers. It was so special and of great encouragement to meet up via zoom with the authors of the book and other key leaders during the time we spent with new master facilitators in Thailand. We were blessed by the teaching of Pastor Lou and Gail from Australia and also by the teaching of Dr. Cindy Perry from DAI during the week in Thailand. During the week, we also learned about the Strengthening Christian Families program from the author herself, it was extra special for us. The training was conducted at the NTC training center in Maesai. The week went really well, because of the generous support we received from many individuals. We thank God, and our funders and leadership from S## international.  

 Family quality time in Thailand; After spending one week with Master facilitators in Maesai, we were able to have family time in Chiangmai; a time to recharge and refresh. The kids love their time in Chiangmai. They ate Mcdonald burger for the first time in their lives. We spent time with Pastor Lou and Gail, staying at a large guest house together was so special. Sharing and prayer time were special.

Servant Leadership workshops; With the partnership and financial support from DAI- international, we were also able to offer 15 Servant leadership workshops, reaching out to 199 leaders in Kachin State. Leaders who attended this workshop find it so helpful not only for their personal growth but for their ministry. I would like to share participants’ feedback that I received from one of our trainers in Putao.

  • Gratitude for Learning: “I am very glad for the privilege to learn Christian servant leadership.”
  • New Concepts: “I did not know about such things before. It is a great chance to learn new concepts of servant leadership roles.”
  • Personal Impact: “Knowing about my leadership type has greatly helped me in the ministry of the Lord.”
  • Request for Expansion: “We hope this workshop will be held widely in many different areas.”
  • Learning in the Native Language: “I am greatly glad to learn in my language.”
  • Improved Confidence: “In the past, I felt frustrated with my leadership style. But now, I know four types of leadership, and their strengths and weaknesses. This gives me the courage to commit to the ministry.”
  • Unity in the Church: “Knowing these types of leadership helps all workers in the church to be united in the work of the Lord.”

Family moved to Yangon (SEP); In Sept 2024, due to internet blackout in Myitkyina and security and safety concerns we decided to evacuate to Yangon. Though it was a short notice and quick decision we have to make, we are so thankful to the Lord and also all our friends and partners for supporting us with everything we needed. We have to make many adjustments, resettling in Yangon and it was more expensive for us to live in Yangon- renting an apartment, children’s school fees and other transportation costs were higher. But God provided all our needs. Thank you everyone for your love and ongoing support.

Just before Christmas, on the 24th DEC, we were able to swap our old truck with a smaller car. We thank you again for your prayer support.

 Relief works and community support; In 2024, Myitkyina experienced civil unrest (war took place in Waimaw and nearby area), the road connection between Myitkyina to Putao was cut off, there was a shortage of medicine, fuel and food supplies. The inflation was so terrible and people suffered greatly. However, we saw God’s generous hand move right in time. We were able to provide food supplies, medicine to several hundred of families both in Putao and Myitkyina. Thank you again for your quick response to our needs and the relief work in Northern Myanmar. We were able to run all these relief activities because of the great partnership we have with the DAI.

 Conclusion; I just can’t thank the Lord enough for all He has done with us in 2024. Thank you all for being great ministry partners with us. We were able to serve the Lord as we are today, because you are there standing and supporting alongside us. Your prayers were so important for us, we can clearly see that God answered our prayers.

We would like to invite you all to walk with us and pray for us as we continue to serve the Lord in this year 2025 as well. Your partnership and prayer mean so much to us.

Please accept our warmest New Year Greetings from Myanmar.

David, Sharzi, Justin, Grace and Cindy Sangdong